Please note that the workshop is held in English!

Self-Care and Life-Balance for Doctoral Researchers

This resource- and application-oriented workshop provides the female participants with space and permission to stop and take stock of their situation. They will explore the themes of self-care, resilience, work-life balance, and sustainable working practices within the academic setting.

We will discuss individual factors influencing one’s psychological health and occupational functionality, such as role expectations, values, resources and life-style factors as well as the psychological model of resilience and look at practical ways to implement these concepts in everyday life.

Participants will assess their current work-life balance while exploring ways to reallocate resources, time, and value to different areas of their life in order to build a working schedule that is sustainable. Emphasis will be placed on having a reflective experience, promoting benevolence with oneself and in this way, create individual and truly long-lasting solutions.

Online Workshop


Thursday, 30 November 2023
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
includes a 1 hour break


Scienza – Science Coaching
Heli Korhonen





Target Group

International female doctoral researchers

Registration Deadline

14. November 2023

Number of Participants

max. 12

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Pexels / Ann H

Content and Methods

Content in Short
• What is self-care and how do I achieve it?
• Work-life balance – what does it mean to me?
• Let’s find out your priorities and values
• Techniques for building resilience
• Assertive communication
• Resource-oriented mindset: building a positive failure culture
• Building sustainable working plans

• Group and individual exercises
• Short presentations
• Self-reflection
• Techniques for relaxation and lightness.


No, all costs are covered by the Gender Equality Office.

Yes. If an event is booked up, we will put you on the wait list. You will be moved up and notified if another person withdraws before the event begins.

There is limited accessibility in the rooms of the Gender Equality Office, though not all events take place here. If you need help accessing the event location, please get in touch with the contact person listed on the event page so we can assist you on the day of the event..

If you need to make use of childcare services during an event, please contact the University of Bonn Office of Family Services.

In order to be able to participate in events offered by the University of Bonn Gender Equality Office, you must be employed by, studying at, completing a doctorate or doing research at the University of Bonn, or be a member of an affiliated research organization.

If you need a certificate confirming your participation in one of our events, please contact our office via email at events(at)

If you wish to receive credits for your participation as part of the Doctorate plus program, please get in touch with the contact persons listed on their website to find out how many units each event covers.

If you wish to receive credits for your participation as part of the Doctorate plus program, please get in touch with the contact persons listed on their website to find out how many units each event covers.

Contact and Organization

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