Content Notes in Teaching
Content notes in university teaching provide information about sensitive, disturbing or unsettling content in teaching material and can help to prepare students with traumata and psychological conditions for this potentially distressing content. Being confronted with accounts of sexualized or racial discrimination and violence can cause strong emotional reactions, panic attacks or temporary dissociation in persons who have been personally exposed to such situations. Content notes can enable students to make an informed and conscious decision as to how best to prepare themselves for such content.

Inhaltshinweise in der Lehre (DE)
Die Verwendung von Inhaltshinweisen in universitären Lehrveranstaltungen wird zunehmend diskutiert. Sie können Studierenden mit Traumata die Möglichkeit geben, sich auf potenziell schwierige Lehrsituationen einzustellen und dazu dienen, Lehrende wie Studierende für den Umgang mit inhaltlich belastendem Lehrmaterial zu sensibilisieren.
Die vorliegende Zusammenstellung zum Thema Inhaltshinweise enthält neben Erläuterungen auch Beispiele für ihren Einsatz, die Ihnen die Arbeit erleichtern sollen und Anregungen für den Umgang mit Inhaltshinweisen in Lehrveranstaltungen bieten können.

Content Notes in Teaching (EN)
The use of content notes in university courses is increasingly being discussed. They can provide students with trauma the opportunity to adjust to potentially difficult teaching situations and serve to sensitize instructors and students alike to dealing with teaching material that is stressful in terms of content.
This compilation on the topic of content notes contains explanations as well as examples of their use, which should make your work easier and can offer suggestions for dealing with content notes in class.