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Welcome to the "Equalendar" (Equality Calendar),
the event-calendar of the University of Bonn’s Gender Equality Office!
In the context of its work at the Univeristy of Bonn, the Gender Equality Office offers opportunities for furher education in the field of to gender equality, and informs interested persons about events and offers at the university. Below, university students and staff can find all of the relevant information on upcoming events pertaining to gender equality.
We encourage you to send us a request if you would like to submit an event for publication in the calendar. Please do so by using the form below!
Bonn Fall HEP Meeting 2024
Bethe Center for ...
08:00 AM
Embracing Diversity in High Energy Physics: High energy physics (HEP) unites physicists from theory and experiment irrespective of age, gender, or personal ...
Info Session: Femtec Career-Building Programme
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Boost your career as a woman in STEM! In this info session we will introduce the Femtec career-building programme and explain in detail what it offers, how the ...
Gehalt richtig verhandeln für Wissenschaftlerinnen
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Im universitären Umfeld ist das Gehalt oftmals fix und kann nicht frei verhandelt werden. Anders sieht das in der Wirtschaft aus. Wissenschaftler*innen fühlen ...
Basis-Schulung Beratungspersonen: Sexualisierte Diskriminierung
Poppelsdorfer Allee ...
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt: Sensibilisierung und Handlungsgrundsätze.
Basis-Schulung für Beratungspersonen: Ein Angebot der ...