WHATS UB – The Career Network for Women Researchers at the University of Bonn

WHATS UB (Women in Higher Education And Top Science – University of Bonn) is a network for women researchers at the University of Bonn who are planning or currently pursuing a career in science/academia. Its members are women early-career researchers, habilitands, junior professors and professors from diverse disciplines, with a wide range of interests and experience. Together they aim to make more efficient use of opportunities on the way to a professorship or an academic leadership position by means of mutual support on equal terms and increased visibility.

A framework for exchange is provided by regular networking meetings, events on topical subjects and workshops for career development and further qualification.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Whats UB


WHATS UB's founder and patron is Professor Diana Imhof. On the subject of what motivated her to found this network, she says: "We all understand the importance of networking to the development of an academic career. The contacts generated not only promote professional exchange and collaboration but facilitate the positioning and visibility of researchers within the academic community. Women early-career researchers profit in particular from this sort of network."

The network is constantly working to expand its organization and its range of internal offers.

Would you like to join the network?

Simply contact Dr. Martina Pottek.

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