Nominations for the Maria von Linden Prize can now be submitted until February 1st, 2025!
Maria von Linden Prize
The Maria von Linden Prize was created in 2022 to honour extraordinary commitment to the cause of gender equality at the University of Bonn. It will be awarded annually. Candidates (individuals or groups) must be nominated by another member of the University.
About the Prize
The Maria von Linden Prize seeks to spotlight and reward extraordinary commitment to the cause of gender equality at the University of Bonn. Every now and then, there will be an individual, a group or an initiative working for gender equality in their area (within the administration, at an institute or chair), out of voluntary commitment and investing a great deal of time and effort on top of their regular responsibilities. The prize will be awarded on a biennial basis, alternating with the funded Projects for the Structural Integration of Gender Equality in the Faculties.
The prize is named in honor of Maria Countess von Linden (1869–1936), who in 1895 became the first woman in Germany to be granted the title of "Scientiae Naturalis Doctor" for her dissertation. Maria Countess von Linden was also the first woman professor at the University of Bonn. She was not only among the pioneers of women's higher education, who still had to fight hard for their right to an academic career, but also worked all her life to promote women's rights and gender equality.

About the Nomination Process
Nominees can be individuals or groups from any area of the university, from faculities and institutes to administration and students who have demonstrated particular commitment to gender equality in their area. Individuals are awarded EUR 1.000, groups can receive up to EUR 2.000 in prize money.
Extraordinary commitment can take the shape of, for example, outstanding success in implementing gender equality plans, research projects dealing with women's and gender issues in the context of higher education, or measures to improve the compatibility of research and family.
Submitting a Nomination
In order to be considered for the prize, individuals or groups must be nominated by other members of the university. Please submit your suggestion to the Gender Equality Office. The nomination should include a description of the individual's or group's work, including background, objectives, expected effect and (if applicable) measures taken to establish it on a permanent basis.
Use of Prize Money
The prize money for groups and departments is earmarked for funding or permanently establishing gender equality measures at the university. Examples include subsidies for conferences, workshops, congresses and their documentation, but also exhibition materials, a lectureship or seminars for further qualification.
The Winner for 2021
The first winner of the Maria von Linden Prize is Paula Heidemeyer, who in 2021 organized a workshop series on "Gender Equality, Protection against Discrimination, and the Promotion of Diversity" in the Department of Psychology. The workshop series was addressed to members of the department and intended to increase awareness of issues of gender equality and discrimination.
Left to right: Winner Paula Heidemeyer, her fellow student Johanna Teepe, and Dr. Martina Pottek (Central Gender Equality Office). Image rights: Universität Bonn/Barbara Frommann