#UnsichtbarWarGestern (#InvisibleNoMore) - Effective Science Communication - Raising Your Expert Profile

A trainig program introducing women early-career researchers to the rules of good science communication and preparing them for appearances in public and in the media.

What's it about?

If you want to succeed as a researcher, you will need not only qualifications and achievements in your discipline, innovative research ideas and publications in high-ranking specialist journals, but also to make the results of your own work available to the public. Reach and visibility are more important than ever and increase your chances of being read and cited.

And this applies not only to your standing within the community of your discipline. In recent years, public media have become notably more interested in science communication. But not least during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become evident again that women scientists are seriously underrepresented among the experts consulted. There have long been studies proving that women scientists’ expertise in their disciplines is far less often featured in media discussions of global developments, political events or scientific discoveries than men’s. As a consequence, women are not as easily perceived as role models and driving forces in science in the public discourse.

© pexels
Eine Wissenschaftlerin steht im weißen Kittel im Labor und macht Versuche mit verschiedenfarbigen Chemikalien. Sie schaut in eine Kamera, die auf sie gerichtet ist und ihire Arbeit filmt. Die Kamera ist im Vordergrund des Bildes.
© Colourbox

Who is the program for?

#UnsichtbarWarGestern is directed at women early-career researchers at the University of Bonn who are interested in entering the field of science communication or have already taken first steps in this direction and who wish to expand their knowledge in relevant areas, to increase their presence and visibility in the media or to prepare to do so.

The program teaches you

  • the basics of science communication as well as public relations work in a German-language cultural context
  • the advantages of conducting a target group analysis to establish who your adueince is
  • how to communicate confidently with representatives of the media and confident and how to appear confidently in front of the camera
  • how to build and develop content for your academic social media profile.

Program Structure

The program is composed of four multi-part workshops. Because each workshop builds on the previous one, participation is mandatory for all events.
The program is available in German only. A maximum of ten participants can take part each year. 

  • Workshop I – Das eigene Thema verständlich vermitteln – Grundlagen der Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

  • Workshop II – Sichtbar werden – Souverän im Umgang mit Medien und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

  • Workshop III – Spread your science – Digitales Selbstmarketing in der Wissenschaft (mit anschließenden Twitter-Coachings)

  • Abschlussveranstaltung mit Impulsvortrag - Zeit zum Resumee, Austausch und Networking 

Information on Application and Costs

Applications are due by October 12, 2022.

If you have any questions about the program or the conditions for participation, please contact the program leader. There is a limited number of available places each year. If all other criteria are met, applicants will be approved in order of the date of submission.

What do I need?

  • Online application with CV in table format (see below).

Participants are required to make a contribution of 150 € to the cost of the program. 
In exceptional cases the charge can be reduced; please contact the program leader to discuss your situation.


Other Initiatives Promoting the Visibility of Women Experts:


Find women speakers, presenters and chairs for your conference.

Pro Quote Medien e.V. (German only)

For gender equality in media professions and more women in editorial positions.

Digital Media Women e.V. (German only)

Increasing women's visibility in all areas – conferences, specialist media, management.

Global Digital Women

One of the best-known and most influential companies focusing on diversity and female empowerment.

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