Point of Contact LGBTQIA*
The Gender Equality Office offers support and advice for all employees and students at the University of Bonn in questions of gender equality. This includes counseling concerning every kind of discrimination based on gender or gender identity.
Protection Against Discrimination
The establishment of diversity management at the University is closely linked to the development of an antidiscrimination strategy. It is not merely a question of accepting diversity, but of protecting members against discrimination and dismantling structures of inequality.
In cases of discrimination or assault, the relevant persons or offices should be contacted as soon as possible.
Here you can find an overview of the available services and spokespersons.

Downloads (German)
The bukof’s Handlungsempfehlungen für Geschlechtervielfalt an Hochschulen (Policy Recommendations for Gender Diversity at Institutions of Higher Education) provide practical tips on how to work with the gender designation in digital registries, how to establish counseling services within the university, and possible educational and awareness-raising measures. The brochure Inter* und Trans* an der Hochschule (Inter* and Trans* in Higher Education) offers information for policy-makers at institutions of higher education on how to deal respectfully with trans and intersex students. The experts’ report on Geschlechtliche Vielfalt im Öffentlichen Dienst (Gender Diversity in Civil Service) presents recommendations on how to recognize and respect the gender identities specifically of civil service employees.
Early name change and change of gender entry in University documents
Transgender persons at the University of Bonn can apply for a change of first name and gender entry within the University systems (including examination offices and certification) in advance – i.e., without a court order according to the Transsexual Act (TSG). This application is based on a standardized form which must be submitted to the University storage units (student registry, human resources division, University IT identity management). You must be in possession of a dgti-supplemental ID.
You only have to submit your request for change of name and/or gender entry to one of the contact persons listed. You can find further details on this topic in the forms themselves.
Please note: This form is standardized and the same for all groups (students, members of staff, freelance contractors). If you are unable to access the University intranet, you can download the form via the website of the student registry or the University IT. Please make sure your form is complete before you submit it.
University of Bonn Students
Students can enroll at the University of Bonn with their desired name and gender entry if they submit a request via the form provided for this purpose and include their dgti-supplemental ID as proof.
Students who wish to change their name and/or gender entry in the course of their studies can request to have their recorded data changed retroactively using the same form and providing their dgti-supplemental ID.
Contact Person Student Registry:
Claudia Schneider
E-Mail: schneiderc@verwaltung.uni-bonn.de
Contact University IT:
Identity Management
E-Mail: idm@uni-bonn.de
University of Bonn Employees
University of Bonn employees can request a change of name and/or gender entry on the same conditions as students. Simply fill in the form provided and include your dgti-supplemental ID.
Please get in touch with the human resources division. You can find the form on the intranet (see link button).
Contact Person Human Resources:
Ines Hitz
E-Mail: hitz@verwaltung.uni-bonn.de
Contact University IT:
Identity Management
E-Mail: idm@uni-bonn.de
Other groups (including freelance contractors and guest auditors)
Changes of name and/or gender designation in advance of a court order are also available to partially cross-registered students, guest students, students in a further education or cooperation program, participants of the FFF program for gifted pupils, or those in possession of a uni-ID according to the rules regarding access to the services of the University of Bonn for freelancers. You can request the change of data by providing your dgti supplemental ID and completing the form either at the beginning of or during your connection with the University of Bonn.
Further Reading
AStA Queer Department
The autonomous queer department of the General Students’ Committee (AStA) offers queer students a counseling service as well as many different events and opportunities for networking.
Gender Diversity Trans* NRW
This state-wide network constitutes an association of local and regional trans groups and institutions in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Queer Gender Equality Work at Universities and Institutions of Higher Education
The bukof committee for queer gender equality policy develops strategies and measures for gender equality work beyond a binary, heteronormative model.
Counseling at rubicon e.V., Cologne
rubicon e.V. offers counseling, health promotion and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, inter and queer individuals and groups.