Please note:
Applications for the Gender Studies Prize or Nominations for the Maria von Linden-Prize can be submitted until February 1st, 2025!
Prizes and Projects
Das Gleichstellungsbüro vergibt jedes Jahr Preise für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten oder Engagement für die Gleichstellung. Darüber hinaus werden alle zwei Jahre die Projektmittel zur Förderung der strukturellen Verankerung von Gleichstellung ausgeschrieben.

Funded Projects
Since 2019, the Gender Equality Office has awarded funds to Projects for the Structural Integration of Gender Equality at the University of Bonn. These are intended to encourage contributions to lasting cultural and structural change at the institutions.

Maria von Linden Prize
The Maria von Linden Prize was created to reward the commitment of individuals, groups or initiatives working voluntarily to promote gender equality at the University of Bonn, be it in the area of studies, in their department or institute, or in the administration.

Gender Studies Prize
The Gender Studies Prize is awarded annually by the Gender Equality Office. It honours excellent final theses and dissertations written in any discipline focusing on issues drawn from the area of gender studies or queer studies.